WTS Columbus 2018 Innovative Transportation Solutions Award

Carpenter Marty Transportation is the proud recipient of the 2018 WTS Columbus Innovative Transportation Solutions Award for the City of Gahanna West Side Intersection Improvement Safety Study and Alternatives Analysis project.  This award salutes the creative work of an innovative transportation project or service led by a woman.

WTS Columbus 2018 Innovative Transportation Solutions Award Gahanna CMWTS Columbus 2018 Innovative Transportation Solutions Award GahannaWTS Columbus 2018 Innovative Transportation Solutions Award Gahanna CM teamWTS Columbus 2018 Innovative Transportation Solutions Award CMWTS Columbus 2018 Innovative Transportation Solutions Award GahannaWTS Columbus 2018 Innovative Transportation Solutions Award Gahanna CM

Through a successful partnership with the City of Gahanna, Gina Balsamo is leading the Carpenter Marty Transportation team on this project. The West Side Intersection Improvement Safety Study and Alternatives Analysis project provides the City of Gahanna a safety analysis and alternative development/evaluation to address the congestion issues at the Stygler Road/Agler Road/US-62 area and the two intersections these three roadways form. This area has been a concern for the City and its citizens for some time. Many projects, small and large, have been implemented over the years to address the main issue: congestion. The existing infrastructure has already been maximized, so a complete solution is necessary to obtain lasting results for future traffic and accommodate desired growth and redevelopment. This project intends to solve these issues by producing alternatives, evaluating those alternatives, and selecting a preferred alternative that is fundable. The goal of the preferred alternative will be to solve transportation issues, maximize the economic vitality of the area, increase walkability, address future development expectations, and minimize impacts. Gina Balsamo leads all coordination with the City and subconsultants, the project team, project schedule, and alternative evaluation/selection. To date, Gina and the Carpenter Marty Transportation team have collected count data, developed traffic volumes for expected future developments in the area, compiled crash data, developed ten alternatives, presented those alternatives to the public in multiple open house meetings, and analyzed/evaluated alternatives.

The key to the success of this project has been public involvement. The study area struggles with congestion issues and has been a concern for the City and its citizens for many years. A similar study and concept was presented a couple years ago to address the congestion issues, but was halted because of public concerns. Gina Balsamo and the Carpenter Marty Transportation team knew that keeping the public involved throughout the process was crucial to its success. This was accomplished by adding and evaluating alternative solutions brought forward by the City and public, and by providing a team member at each alternative solution during the public meetings to explain each concept in full detail. Gina and the Carpenter Marty Transportation team have exceeded the City’s expectations.

“Thank you for the perfect (and I don’t use that word often) open house. I was so pleased with the feedback regarding the open house because the comments were thoughtful, constructive, and useful. It showed what a nice job had been done creating the alternatives and how excellent communication was at the open house.” -Dottie Franey, Director of Public Service

“Thank you and your team on an outstanding job! In my opinion, the open house could not have gone any better, and set the bar for future open house events. I sincerely appreciate all the effort put into this by everyone on your team. Very nice job!” -Rob Priestas, City Engineer