Skilken Gold
London, Ohio
Services Provided
Traffic Impact Study
Roadway Design
Roadway Widening
Turn Lane Design
Drainage Improvements
Maintenance of Traffic
Signing and Pavement Markings
Utility Coordination
Sheetz US 42 Improvements
This project included the study and design services for a new county roadway and roadway improvements on US 42 as part of the development of a new Sheetz location. A new two-lane asphalt curbed county roadway was designed per Madison County’s thoroughfare plan to connect US 42 to the Sheetz development. The connector road was designed to easily accommodate a future extension. The project also included one lane of concrete widening on US 42 along the development and intersecting with the connector road. The intersection of widened US 42 and the connector road was designed to accommodate turning movements of large trucks while also maintaining adequate sight distances. Commercial drive design was included to rebuild drive aprons affected by pavement widening along US 42.
The drainage design for this project included both closed storm sewer systems and open ditch design, both of which were coordinated to connect to site drainage design and outlet into controlled detention facilities. Combined closed and open drainage design was required to manage difficult grading and flow conditions on site. Traffic control design included new pavement markings on US 42 to modify existing two-lane, two-way operation to include a two-way left turn lane along the site frontage and a dedicated right turn lane into the development site. New signing and pavement markings were designed on the connector road for two-lane two-way operation including a dedicated left turn lane onto US 42 to accommodate the traffic generated from the Sheetz development.
Maintenance of traffic was required along US 42 to maintain two-lane, two-way operation throughout project construction. Design of temporary pavement sections and grading were needed to meet this operational requirement. Significant utility coordination was undertaken to ensure major private utilities such as gas and telecommunications were not affected by the project or had active involvement in project details to ease relocation efforts. Right-of-way plans were developed to accommodate the widening along US 42 and the entirety of the connector road. Additionally, coordination with ODOT for a future public improvements project was required due to the timing of the Sheetz development.