The Ohio State University
The Ohio State University Main Campus
Services Provided
Drainage Improvements
Intersection Improvements
Maintenance of Traffic
Roadway Design
Safer School Access
Sidewalk Design
Storm Sewer Design
Survey Services
Utility Coordination
OSU Infrastructure Improvements
This State of Ohio capital project included the upgrade or replacement of nearly 50 deficient curb ramps located within the OSU main campus in Columbus, Ohio. Most of the ramps consisted of the replacement of a single sidewalk panel and upgrading the detectable warnings to cast iron. Other ramps were not ADA compliant and required full replacement. Several ramps had flooding issues, so curb inlets were installed adjacent to the ramps to alleviate the drainage issues. Carpenter Marty Transportation utilized high definition scanning during the field survey to the most accurate survey information for the existing ramps because of the strict slope requirements for ADA compliance. Maintenance of both pedestrian and vehicular traffic was included in the plans. We developed the construction plans and project manual. Our team also provided construction administration services, including construction testing services.