City of Hilliard
Hilliard, Ohio
Services Provided
Safer School Access
Sidewalk/Trail Design
Survey Services
Traffic Control
Utility Coordination
Hayden Run Trail Extension
The City of Hilliard received funding through the State Capital Budget (SB 310) to build a section of the Hayden Run Central Ohio Greenways trail. Carpenter Marty Transportation was direct selected to design this 10’ wide, 1,400’ long, regional trail located in a 30’ wide public easement. This trail provides an important connection from several existing and new neighborhoods east of Leppert Road to Hilliard’s trail system. This new trail provides connectivity to the Heritage Rail Trail, Hellbranch Trail, the YMCA, Downtown Hilliard, Homestead Park, Hilliard Municipal Park, and Frank’s Park. At its crossing with Leppert Road, a high visibility crosswalk, curb ramps, and an Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) were installed to provide a safe crossing. A bike repair station was installed at the new trail’s connection to the Heritage Rail Trail, which provides users with tools for any simple repairs needed during their ride.