Village of Granville
Granville, Ohio
Services Provided
Safety Analysis
Data Collection
Traffic Analysis
Granville Pedestrian Improvements
This contract consists of various traffic engineering projects aimed at improving pedestrian and bicycle safety throughout the Village of Granville. The first project was a pedestrian safety study at the intersection of North Pearl Street and Washington Drive which was initiated by a fatal crash involving a pedestrian struck in a crosswalk by a vehicle. This location has heavy pedestrian activity from nearby Denison University. Yellow warning signs had been installed at this crossing and continuous flashing yellow beacons were located several hundred feet upstream of the crossing in each direction.
A Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) was the countermeasure selected from the study to increase driver awareness of the crossing and provide a means for pedestrians to safely cross. This project led to the second project which involved Carpenter Marty Transportation designing the RRFB. The RRFB was designed and located per ODOT standards, and Carpenter Marty Transportation coordinated with both the Village and the selected contractor throughout the project. The third project was the modification of several signals in the downtown area. The project modified existing signals to add pedestrian countdown timer signal heads for all pedestrian crossings. This project also involved coordination with the Village and contractor to ensure all aspects of the existing signal design were known so modifications could be designed properly.