City of Beavercreek
Beavercreek, Ohio
Services Provided
Roadway Widening
Roadway Reconstruction
Drainage Improvements
Sidewalk/Trail Design
Utility Coordination
Pedestrian Crossing Signal
Survey Services
Right-of-Way Design
Drone Imaging
Public Involvement
Factory Road Widening & Reconstruction
The City of Beavercreek selected Carpenter Marty Transportation for the preparation of construction contract plans for the widening and reconstruction of Factory Road between the entrance to Nutter Park and the Creekside Trail Bikeway in Greene County. The project length is approximately 0.20 mile. This project included the addition of curb and gutter, closed storm sewer system, and an 8’ shared-use trail along the west side of the roadway. This shared-use trail connects Nutter Park with Creekside Trail which crosses Factory Road at the South end of the project. The design included profile modifications and a rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) crossing. Utility coordination included relocation of utility poles and underground utilities.
The addition of a center turn lane improves maneuverability to avoid rear-end crashes. The project improved the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists, as well as vehicular safety for the businesses and Beavercreek Community Park. Carpenter Marty Transportation survey crews completed a detailed topographical and property boundary survey of Factory Road and the surrounding project site. Our team developed right-of-way plans, survey plat, and legal descriptions which were approved by Greene County and used as part of the right-of-way acquisition process. The right-of-way plans met ODOT, Greene County, and City of Beavercreek requirements.