Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission
North Ridgeville , Ohio
Services Provided
Bridge Design
Bridge Inspection
Bridge Rehabilitation
Roadway Design
Survey Services
Utility Coordination
SR 57, Race Road, & Stearns Road Bridge Rehabilitations
This project involved the rehabilitation of three Ohio Turnpike structures. The bridge decks of the ramp bridge over S.R. 57, Race Road overpass, and Stearns Road overpass were all replaced. Additional work included replacing expansion joints, bearings, and approach slabs. The Race Road and Stearns Road bridges were both raised to gain vertical clearance. Initial studies included a hands-on inspection of all three structures and consideration of multiple vertical clearance alternatives for Race and Stearns Road. A report was developed providing recommendations of repair to the bridges along with associated costs and project limits for each alternative.
These repairs were implemented into the design plans. Multiple vertical clearances were considered, with project length impacts and costs presented for each alternative. One lane of traffic was maintained on the ramp bridge using a temporary signal, while Race Road and Stearns Road were detoured during construction. Utility coordination was performed to relocate poles that conflicted with the proposed work on Race Road.