Highland County
Hillsboro, Ohio
Services Provided
Roadway Design
Roadway Widening
Roundabout Design
Turn Lane Design
Traffic Signal Design
Intersection Improvements
Drainage Improvements
Culvert Design
Sidewalk/Trail Design
Lighting Design
Utility Coordination
Survey Services
Right-of-Way Design
Public Involvement
Construction Inspection
Hobart/Carl Smith Drive
The Highland County Engineer’s Office, through a quality-based selection process, chose Carpenter Marty Transportation to provide engineering design services for this project. Prior to the completion of this project, Hobart Drive was a dead-end urban collector within the City of Hillsboro. Hobart Drive services Southern State Community College and several other commercial businesses and government agencies. This project involved the full depth replacement of approximately 0.44 miles of roadway, widening the existing pavement to three lanes to allow for the placement of a center two-way left turn lane, and extending the roadway 4,200’ to SR 73. The project included the design of a modern single lane roundabout at the intersection with Careytown Road. The roundabout constructed is considered a “high speed” roundabout with both Carl Smith Drive and Careytown Road having legal speeds over 50 mph, so large reverse curves with 300’ splitter islands were designed on all four legs. This was the first roundabout designed in ODOT District 9, but the JAC-CR 9-0.12 roundabout (also designed by Carpenter Marty Transportation) was constructed shortly before this one. The project also included improvements to the SR 73 and US 62 intersection by providing turn lanes and traffic signals for access to Hobart/Carl Smith Drive. Additional improvements made to Careytown Road south of the new roundabout intersection included a right-in, right-out intersection at Harry Sauner Road, replacement of the existing traffic signal, and the addition of a concrete median and drainage improvements along Harry Sauner Road. The project involved significant public involvement and coordination with the City of Hillsboro and ODOT District 9.
The project included the design of full intersection lighting at the Hobart Drive and SR 73 intersection and the Hobart Drive and US 62 intersection, as well as approach lighting for the roundabout at the Hobart Drive and Careytown Road intersection. It also included the continuous roadway lighting along Hobart Drive. The project lighting required 28 poles in all and consisted of conventional style poles and bracket arms with LED cobra head luminaires. The drainage improvements on the project consisted of the installation of an entirely new storm sewer system on Hobart/Carl Smith Drive, Careytown Road, US 62, Harry Sauner Drive and SR 73. The total length of storm sewer installed for Parts 1 through 3 was nearly 9,200’. The installation of four box culverts in the area of Southern State Community College eliminated significant flooding issues that were present. To complete the post-construction BMP requirements, several manufactured water quality structures were installed as well as two infiltration trenches.
As an add-on to the original project scope, Carpenter Marty Transportation provided sidewalk design and construction inspection. The Hobart/Carl Smith Drive project was designed for future sidewalks, so the grading was in place for sidewalks to be constructed with minimal impacts. The sidewalk portion of the project involved the design of concrete sidewalks and curb ramps along 4,900’ of Hobart/Carl Smith Drive from US 62 to the newly constructed roundabout at Careytown Road, as well as concrete sidewalks along 2,100’ of Careytown Road and a portion of Harry Sauner Road. This project also included other minor improvements such as sign relocation, storm sewer and other utility adjustments, and the removal and relocation of several light poles. In addition, Carpenter Marty Transportation provided inspection services for the construction of the concrete sidewalks and curb ramps along Hobart/Carl Smith Drive, as well as Careytown Road and a portion of Harry Sauner Road.