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Avondale Bridge Replacement

Avondale Bridge


McDowell County, Ohio

Bridge Design
Roadway Design
Maintenance of Traffic

Carpenter Marty Transportation is performing the design, contract plans and related documents for the replacement of the existing Avondale Bridge, which carries County Route (CR) 5/2 over Dry Fork and is located 0.01 mile south of WV 80. The bridge will be realigned upstream from the existing location, while traffic is maintained on the existing bridge during construction. Carpenter Marty Transportation performed a preliminary field review and final hydraulic analysis of the stream.The project site is located 0.01 mile south of WV 80. The scope of work is to replace the existing structure with either a three span steel beam bridge or a two span concrete beam bridge. It is anticipated that the proposed abutments will be integral or semi-integral. Traffic will be maintained on the existing bridge during construction. Carpenter Marty Transportation will perform all bridge, roadway, right-of-way, and maintenance of traffic design services. The WVDOH will perform survey and environmental services.

Avondale Bridge
Avondale Bridge
Avondale Bridge