Bill Marty

Professional Engineer, Ohio & West Virginia

BS, Civil Engineering
West Virginia University

Years in Industry

Why did you start Carpenter Marty?
I ultimately had faith in my business partner, Kevin, and the team. I’ve always wanted to own my own firm so that I could maintain a culture and core values that I felt were important and could be proud of.

What is your most important core value?
Respect. I value listening before speaking and respecting everyone’s opinion.

How might clients describe you?
Thoughtful, energetic, genuine, and driven.

What made you choose a career in engineering?
I thought designing structures that my friends and family could use and see would be awesome. Plus, I was only good at math and art, and I wasn’t even that good at art. 

What is a fun fact about yourself?
I am a totally different person away from work (at least that is what my coworkers say). I love rock music, West Virginia University sports, wearing flannel shirts and jeans, refreshing beverages, and Key West. If you met me on the street you would think I was from the 90s and worked at a record store.

Bill's Featured Projects

DEL-TR 114-0.00 (Orange Road)

Orange Road

Delaware County


ODOT District 12
FRA-CR 19-3.66 (West Main Street)

West Main Street

Franklin County